Our story


Welcome to Things Unseen, a contemporary art company dedicated to curating collections of art that capture the allure of vintage goods and spark nostalgia and excitement. Our mission is to help you fill your walls with meaningful works that bring joy and serve a purpose well.

At Things Unseen, we believe that art should be personal and evoke emotions. That's why we carefully select original photography and art products that inspire and connect with you on a deeper level. Our obsession with objects drives our passion for showcasing unique and compelling pieces that you won't find anywhere else.

We understand the importance of creating a space that feels like home. Our collections are designed to add personality and character to your walls, to tell your story and reflect your style. Whether you're drawn to the high detail of our black and white photography capturing vintage and well-loved cassettes and vinyl records, or any other unique and meaningful art pieces, we have a wide selection to choose from.

So go ahead and hang what you love, and let Things Unseen be your guide in discovering the perfect art piece that will make your space truly unique. Thank you for choosing us as your art platform.