Life Uncharted

The future offers a lot of uncertainty. But there is a difference in knowing where you’re going vs. how you’ll get there. It’s the steps along the way towards our ambitions that we can’t predict. But isn’t that the fun of it all?


Those of us behind Things Unseen Co. are uniformly drawn to the history of maritime. It is in this nautical world that we see many similarities in our daily lives. When you step onto a seafaring vessel, you become part of it. Just like when you wake up in the morning, you have to decide how you are going to contribute to the world that day. And on a boat where you’re going is mostly up to you, but depending on the wind, weather, and navigation skills, how you get there is still relatively uncertain.

It is widely stated that in this life, it is about the journey, not the destination. Is it possible that we can deduce that what we find the most joy in is the surprises and uncertain moments that get us to where we are going? This year we want to encourage you to be less anxious in life’s uncertainty and strive for contentment in a life uncharted.

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