Mixtape - 003

Pop rock throughout the last 40 years has been sprinkled by countless acts of varying degrees of popularity. But when it comes to female artists I believe the one that paved to road to what we now appreciate in the genre was Madonna. Her sound is so distinct and well crafted it’s difficult to define it to an era. While she was revolutionary in her time, she maintains her relevancy today. So this week we look at talented female artists that live in this modernized genre Madonna help create in the 80s.

This playlist was extremely hard to curate cause there are just so many good musicians and it all needs to fit on a cassette to keep with this theme.

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This week's mixtape:

  1. MADONNA :: Like a Prayer 00:00
  2. BANOFFEE :: Count on You 05:26
  3. ALLIE X :: Catch 08:33
  4. LITANY :: My Dude 12:13
  5. FOREVER :: Falling 15:38
  6. LIYV :: Splintered Arms (Seven AM Remix) 18:43
  7. ANNA OF THE NORTH :: Lovers 21:39
  8. GRAND PAX :: Bunk 25:20
  9. JULIETTA :: Beach Break 29:34